GB News



How do we prepare a Girl to serve in a world bigger than themselves? What can we do to demonstrate what it means to live a meaningful life – even when our current circumstances have been riddled with uncertainties?


 Any GB Girl who has been around long enough will be familiar with the name – “GB Friendship Day (GBFD)”.

Once an annual affair, this signature Community Service project served as a gift to both the Girls and the underprivileged as they learn to care and be cared for  

Every year, Girls organise a fun time of carnival-style games and food to interact with their guest – the lonely, elderly and special needs under a single tent. Echoes of laughter and joy ring through every direction as they rub shoulders to shoulders in close proximity. 

By all accounts, it was primed as the biggest event hosted by the Brigade – with close to 1500 beneficiaries from various Social Service Centers and 1500 Girls present.  


Mayor of South West district Low Yen Ling (left) and President Halimah Yacob (centre) presenting Mohd Saleh Abu with an electric kettle.


A New Beginning 

This year, we celebrated the evolution of our annual GB Friendship Day Carnival. Instead of gathering people under a big carnival tent, our new  GB Friend in Deed  project begins in collaboration with South West CDC to help grant the wishes of 3,000 vulnerable persons – continuing our move into the heartlands, and into each home. 

Keeping to the spirit of its forerunner, this pilot project seeks to continue its focus on befriending the underprivileged while fulfilling the wishes of the vulnerable individuals edged out by the effects of the pandemic.


Breathe hope through Every Wish

 It was also heartening and encouraging to hear stories of Girls going over and beyond to make sure these wishes were fulfilled.

In one instance, the Girls of the 28th Company, Kuo Chuan Secondary school coordinated a pass-the baton style method to transport an incredible load of wish items. Some of which included multiple Five Kilogram weights.

On their own accord, these fifteen-year-olds worked in pairs to lug a heavy package from Toa Payoh to Bishan where their school was allocated.

The true test of friendship prevails in times of trouble.  

Amid the constant change in SMM measures, volunteers from far and wide came down to contribute their lot. Fiercely braving various challenges to fulfil their commitment to the wishes.  

Ms Low Yen Ling, Mayor of South West CDC rallying Singaporeans to take part in the GB Friend in Deed project.


“Every form of support, no matter how small goes a long way… It is times like these that we experience the strength and solidarity of Singaporeans coming together to help one another,” said Ms Low Yen Ling, Mayor of South West CDC.

Most noteworthy, are those who brought alongside their children, young and old to help out in the delivery of adopted wishes to and from our premises.

“It was heartwarming to see the smiles and happiness on the recipients’ faces. My daughter learnt that giving gifts to others was more joyful than receiving gifts herself. She now understands why it is more blessed to give than to receive,” Said Edmund, a fellow volunteer.


“So proud to be part of the Girls’ Brigade efforts in making a difference in the people’s lives! Showing my kids the place (GB Headquarters) where mummy spent countless weekends and nights with fellow Gb Girls.”

– Wynne Chia, A fellow GB Alumni from 1st Company


Mayor of South West district Low Yen Ling (left) and President Halimah Yacob (centre) presenting a beneficiary with a hamper.

A Friend Forevermore

Though we have come to an end to the project, the work is not over yet! We hope to partner with you with our GB Friend in Deed project next year. Follow us on Instagram @girlsbrigadesg for future updates. 


“You don’t need to be someone who is full of power to help someone else. You don’t need to give them big sums of money…a simple act can make them happy as well.”

– Eliana Tan, 90th Company, Keng Cheng School


We’ve been featured on South West CDC’s E – Bridge article. Click here to read more!